How to create API keys on Bitfinex and connect it to Cryptonovae
First thing you need is a Bitfinex account, if you don't have one, you can create it here.
An API Key is a unique identifier that authenticates requests connected to your account.
You can use an API Key to connect your account to Cryptonovae, and start using Bitfinex's authenticated API endpoints for trading on Cryptonovae.
How to create an API key
Step1: Go to your API Key page and choose the Create New Key tab

Step2: Apply the following settings to the API keys you create

Step 3: Label your API Key. This is optional but helps you keep tabs on your keys.
Click Generate API Key. Now we are almost finished.
Step 4: For security reasons, you will need to confirm the creation via your 2FA code (or U2F device, depending on your security setup).

Step 5: You will receive a confirmation email. click the Create API Key button to complete the process

Note: Make sure to access the email confirmation using the same browser as your Bitfinex logged-in session.
Step 6: You have now created your API key. The page will show both your API Key and API Key Secret in text and as a QR code.

Important: The API Key information will be displayed to you only once. DON’T store your API key online as it is more vulnerable to hacks.
Step 7: Paste your API keys into the Bitfinex connector fields in the Cryptonovae App, and click “Accept” button.

Step 8: You’ve now connected Bitfinex to Cryptonovae!

Step 9: Restart Cryptonovae for changes to take effect

Hooray, you connected your Bitfinex account toCRYPTONOVAE! 🎉