Why you should enable 2FA authentication

With Cybersecurity becoming a big concern, two-factor authentication (2FA) is a topic that is becoming hotter with each passing day.

After all, who doesn’t want to keep their private data safe? Two-factor authentication may not be a bulletproof solution but is one of the easiest and best ways to shore up your virtual security.

Treat 2-factor authentication as a supplement to strong passwords, not as a replacement.

Two-factor authentication adds another security layer to the login process, reducing the chances of your account getting hacked. Just knowing and entering your password is not enough since there is a second layer which is usually time sensitive. This makes the process a whole lot more secure.

Here are some facts you would want to know before you enable two-factor authentication:

Four out of five data breaches could be avoided by using 2FA

Cyber threats are on a rise and 2-factor authentication actually helps to counter them.

Majority of the hacking-related breaches take place due to weak or stolen passwords. Since many users tend to use the same password everywhere, the risk grows ten fold. Clearly, something more than just passwords are needed.

According to a Verizon’s Data Breach Report, 80% of data breaches could be eliminated by the use of two-factor authentication.

2FA makes sure that even if your password gets compromised, the hacker has to crack another security layer before they can access your account. And since most of the 2FA methods are time-dependent, it makes the hacker’s job so much more difficult.

No wonder all the major websites and banks provide an option to enable 2-factor security.

Two-factor authentication is not a replacement for strong passwords

Weak and repeated passwords are a bane to Cyber security. No matter which account or service you’re using, it’s always best to set a unique complex password.

Using repeated passwords all over the Internet makes us vulnerable to massive impacts even if one site’s security gets breached. In such a case, all our accounts can be at the attacker’s disposal.

Even if you enable two-factor authentication, strong passwords are a must. As mentioned earlier, treat 2FA as a supplement to strong passwords, not as a replacement.

Always use a complex combination of letters, numbers, and special symbols to generate a strong and unique password for each service you use. You can also use a service like LastPass to easily manage your passwords.

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